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Common Causes of Arrest and How Bail Helps Alleviate the Stress of It

The situation of getting arrested can be a daunting experience. It can be especially stress-provoking and confusing when you or a loved one must post bail after an arrest has been made. Knowing the cause, legal recourse, and how to properly handle bail are just some of the tasks that need to be addressed in any arrest situation. With this blog, we’ll explore the common causes of arrest and how to prepare for bail.

Arrest and bail are most often the results of someone being wrongfully accused of a criminal act or a violation of civil law. Unfortunately, even when innocent, the arrest process and accompanying bail must still be handled for proper resolution of the case. In some cases, the responsibility of bail can become a financial strain on the person in need or their family. Knowing the causes of arrest and how bail works can help alleviate this additional stress.

Understanding the Common Causes of Arrest

There are a variety of situations that could cause an arrest and potential legal issues. Here are some of the most common causes of arrest and the potential bail requirement that follows.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

A DUI is an arrestable offense if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The penalties are severe and can lead to mandatory fines or lengthy prison sentences. Depending on the state and other factors, a person can be released on bail after being charged with a DUI.

Alcohol-Related Offenses

In most places, you must be at least 21 years old to legally purchase and consume alcohol. Those under 21 may face criminal charges if they are caught in possession of or drinking alcohol. Public intoxication or disorderly conduct due to alcohol consumption can also result in arrest.

Violent/Cruel Crimes

Crimes such as assault and battery, domestic violence, and other cruel acts are among the most serious charges that can lead to an arrest. Depending on the severity of the crime, a person charged with such a crime will most likely remain in jail until their trial process begins.

Weapons Violations

Possessing or handling a firearm is often illegal in certain circumstances, including possessing an unregistered gun or mishandling a firearm. To be released from jail, a person may be subject to a hefty bail fee.

Drug-Related Crimes

Drug-related crimes, such as selling or using drugs, are serious offenses and can lead to hefty fines and prison sentences. Bail is usually available in such cases.

Property Crimes

Property crimes are considered illegal activities that involve theft and damage of property, such as breaking and entering, burglary, larceny, shoplifting, and vandalism. These are often some of the most serious offenses and typically result in higher bail amounts when an arrest is made.

Traffic Violations

Traffic violations, like speeding and running a red light, are the most common type of arrest. While they typically cause minor damage and injuries, you can be arrested for traffic violations depending on the severity and/or if there is a suspect driving under the influence. 


Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes committed. When people are caught stealing, the police can take the person into custody and demand a bail payment. Depending on the amount and type of items stolen, bail could range from a few hundred dollars to more than $10,000.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is one of the most serious offenses and can carry serious jail time and hefty fines. Depending on the severity of the offense, an individual may be required to make a large bail payment to be released pending trial.


No matter the degree of the offense, individuals who are arrested for assault will likely have to post bail. This can range anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.


When caught, criminals can be charged with a range of charges related to burglary. Depending on these charges, bail payments may range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to more than $20,000. 

Probation Violations

If someone is placed on probation and fails to comply with their probation requirements, they may be arrested. In most cases, bail payments will be relatively low when compared to other crimes. 

Parole Violations

When someone is on parole and fails to comply with their parole requirements, they may be arrested and required to post bail. The amount of bail payment depends on the severity of the violation and the particular state’s laws.

Understanding Bail

Once a person is arrested, understanding bail is key to getting released. Bail is a monetary phrase paid to a court to guarantee the defendant will appear in court on their court dates. After the bail is paid, the court releases the defendant until their court date. The bail continues to act as protection even after the defendant is released, and they must abide by any special conditions set by the court.

When facing an arrest and substantial fines, a bail bonds company can help secure a quick release from jail. A bail bonds company guarantees the arrestee's appearance in court by paying the bail for them, often for a fraction of the total amount. When working with reputable bail bond companies, such as G-L Mackins Bonding Company, the process of posting bail can be done with speed and discretion.

Arrests can be a frightening situation, but understanding the causes of the arrest and the bail bonding process can help eliminate some anxiety. Knowing the charges, associated penalties, bail, and the process to handle it can help you make the best decision to secure a release from jail. Most importantly, do your research and look for a bail bond company with a good history and track record.

Need Quick Freedom? Call G-L Mackins Bonding Company Now!

In Charlotte, NC, if you find yourself in jail or if you need a bond for any other purpose, you can rely on G-L Mackins Bonding Company! We provide 24/7 bail bond services so that you can get the help you need when you need it most.

We understand that the criminal justice system is complex and intimidating, but you don't have to worry - our bond agents are here to help you every step of the way. Our bond agents will simplify the legal process, ensuring you have all of the necessary information to get you out of jail as soon as possible. 

Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation for being one of the leading bail bond companies in Charlotte, NC. Don't waste any time if you find yourself in jail -
call G-L Mackins Bonding Company now for 24/7 bail bond services!

19 Apr, 2023
When a defendant has been arrested for a felony charge, they likely have many questions and concerns about their case. In most cases, the defendant will need to obtain a bond to be released from jail. Bonds allow the court to reduce or entirely drop the bail amount in exchange for the promise that the defendant will appear in court when necessary. There are many different types of bonds that may be available, depending on the place of residence and the criminal charge. A professional bail bondsman will provide the necessary resources and advice to figure out the best option. There are different types of felony bail bonds, including cash bail, surety bond, release on recognizance, and unsecured bail. Cash bail requires that the full amount of bail to be paid in cash to the court, and the money will be refunded when the court case is over. Surety bonds involve a bail bondsman acting as a guarantor, agreeing that the defendant will appear in court and pay a fee for the service. Release on recognizance (ROR) is the least common type of bond, and it requires no money or collateral to be paid. An unsecured bond is when the defendant or someone acting for the defendant promises to repay the bail amount set by the court if the defendant does not show up for the hearing. By understanding the different types of felony bail bonds, defendants can make an informed decision about how to handle their bond. Professional bail bondsman can help walk individuals through the process of obtaining and understanding a bond to increase their chances of making bail.
21 Mar, 2023
When you find yourself in a tight spot, having a bail bondsman you can trust can make the difference between spending the night in jail and being released to the comfort of your own home. Most bail bond services require a co-signer in order to secure a bail bond. While this additional requirement can seem daunting, it is actually very beneficial. In this post, we’ll explore the advantages of having a co-signer on your bail bond in Charlotte, NC.
25 Feb, 2023
Bail bonds are a way to pay for a person’s release from jail before they stand trial. You might need to post bail if you’ve been arrested or otherwise charged with a crime. No matter what the charge or type of bond, G-L Mackins Bonding Company can help. We offer four types of bail bonds in the Charlotte and Gastonia, NC area: misdemeanor, felony, juvenile, and surety bonds. Contact us today at 704-334-9600 to get started.
03 Feb, 2023
When someone is arrested, they may be released from custody if a bail bond is posted by a professional bail bondsman who agrees to take financial responsibility for them, so long as they abide by the terms of the bail agreement. If the individual fails to comply with the terms of the bond, it puts them at risk of serious legal consequences. Knowing what could happen if one chooses to break bail is an important part of ensuring someone understands the repercussions of their actions. It’s important for anyone who is arrested and released on bail to fully understand the risks associated with breaking bail bonds. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the consequences of breaking a bail bond. Whether this is your case or someone you know is going through this, understanding what could happen could be the difference between being held responsible and not. It's crucial to consult with a bail bond professional to discuss the best path forward when navigating the bail bond process.
14 Jan, 2023
When faced with the prospect of a loved one being arrested, dealing with bail bond issues can be overwhelming. The legal process and the challenges involved in posting bail can seem insurmountable at times. However, there are ways to make this process easier. We will provide you with some tips for dealing with bail bond issues. We will discuss ways to make the process less daunting and provide advice on how to ensure that your loved one is released from jail quickly. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your loved one receives their freedom as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn more about tips for dealing with bail bond issues.
10 Jan, 2023
The stakes are high when you're faced with paying bail to get a loved one out of jail. Finding a legitimate, reputable bail bondsman is critical to avoid being a victim of a bail bond scam - but with so many shady operations out there, it can be difficult to figure out who you can trust. That's why we've put together this guide of tips and information on how to spot and avoid bail bond scams. Read on to learn more about the warning signs to watch out for and the steps you can take to protect yourself from becoming a victim.
24 Dec, 2022
Being arrested and charged with a misdemeanor can have serious consequences. Not only are they punishable by hefty fines and even jail time, but they can also cause long-term damage to an individual’s reputation. This is why many people turn to a Misdemeanor Bond to get released from jail or reduce their sentence. But what exactly is a Misdemeanor Bond and how do you get one? In this article, we'll discuss what misdemeanor bonds are, the different types available, and important information you need to know before getting one. So keep reading if you want to know more about Misdemeanor Bonds.
17 Dec, 2022
When you or a loved one are arrested, the last thing on your mind is likely to be whether or not to research bail bond companies. You may just want to get out of jail as quickly as possible, and any company that offers to help you do so will seem like a good option. However, it's important to be selective when choosing a bail bond company. Not all companies are created equal, and some can actually cause more harm than good.
09 Dec, 2022
If you or someone you know is dealing with an unexpected legal issue, such as an arrest, you may need to work with a bail bond company. Posting bail is a legal way to temporarily free someone from jail or prison. That’s where bail bonds come in. Bail bonds provide assurance that criminal defendants appear in court, while they are out of jail while awaiting trial. It is a legal agreement between the court, the defendant (person arrested), and a bail bond company. The bond agreement provides financial assurance that the defendant will appear in court as directed by the court. If the defendant fails to show up, the bail bond company is responsible for paying the full amount of the bail to the court. When you work with a bail bond company, you receive not just financial assistance with posting bail, but also a variety of other services. A bail bond company can provide you with legal advice about the charges and the court proceedings, prepare and file the necessary legal documents, and even give you advice on how to best deal with the situation. In this blog, we will explore some key benefits of working with a bail bond company.
30 Nov, 2022
Have you ever been faced with a situation where someone you know is arrested and needs help getting out of jail? Bail bonds can provide an essential solution in this kind of difficult scenario. But many people have questions about how bail bonds work, what the requirements are for obtaining one, and what the process looks like. This comprehensive guide will give you a better understanding of the bail bond system, including what is required and how it works. We’ll also discuss some best practices to keep in mind when dealing with bail bonds. With this knowledge, you can be better prepared for any future scenarios involving bail bonds. Now let's dive into the basics of how bail bonds work.
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